Young Professional

Mr. Shrey Apoorva

Email ID :
Phone No : 38325606

Shrey Apoorva is a Young Professional at Centre for Trade and Investment Law (CTIL) who specializes in International Trade and is presently employed by the Centre for Trade and Investment Law (CTIL). Shrey graduated with a B.A., LL.B (Hons) degree from Chanakya National Law University (CNLU). Shrey holds a Master of Laws in International Trade and Investment Law from Jindal Global Law School. Before joining CTIL, Apoorva also interned at CTIL, where he worked on various International Trade Law issues relating to cross-border Trade in Service, the Laws relating to Special Economic Zones; on import-export monopolies of State Trading Enterprises in India. During his free times, Shrey loves to do photography and his photography skills were accoladed during pan-India Bar and Bench photography competition. Apoorva is also a mountain person and likes to do trekking.
